Dinner Party~!

My Ideal Guests


Photo of Mitski with wheat(?) flowers behind her as she looks to the side

I want to have Mitski over because she's an amazing artist with a lot of my most-listened to songs. Her art is always unique and beautiful, and she's very insightful while also being very funny. She seems like she'd be a fun person to talk with or converse about art with, because she's very clever but also very nice. I think.

Maya Hawke

Photo of Maya Hawke in a leather jacket looking to the right

Maya Hawke plays one of my fave characters from the hit series "Stranger Things" and she seems very fun to hang around with as well. Since she's described her Stranger Things character as a "Cartoon version of herself" I think I'd enjoy talking to her. I also saw her in another Netflix thing called "Do Revenge" which I enjoyed immensely and I really want to talk about it with her and her co-worker. This list only includes three though, and I've never seen the coworker's other works to have as much of a conversation, though she seems nice too.

Megan Thee Stallion

Photo of Megan Thee Stallion looking at the viewer in a pink boa

Megan Thee Stallion is really pretty and she's one of the few rappers I listen to because her songs are always iconic and fun, and she gives off a very cool energy. She's really cool and always looks amazing, and she's been through a lot so I'm curious to see how she's doing. She's someone I admire greatly for how she's done so well for herself and I want to talk about anime with her, because she's very funny and likes anime like me.


Are you bringing a guest?